Welcome to ACCC Seoul 2024,

On behalf of the Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine (KSCCM), it is both an honor and a privilege to extend a warm and official welcome to all participants of the Acute and Critical Care Conference (ACCC) Seoul 2024 which will be held in conjunction with 44th Annual Congress of KSCCM and 3rd KSCCM -TSCCM/TSECCM Joint Congress from April 25th to 26th, 2024.

The overarching theme of this year's congress, "Achieving the Next Level ICU". In the aftermath of the pandemic, each medical system has to evolve to meet the future challenges of intensive and critical care and to prepare for the next pandemic which I’m sure will encounter sooner rather than later. As the premier platform for exchanging experiences and disseminating knowledge regarding the indispensable care of critically-ill patients, we hope to provide an invaluable opportunity to build a consensus on the path forward for enhancing our ICU systems, thus equipping us to face the challenges and opportunities of the future.

Our chosen venue, the prestigious Parnas Convention Center, is strategically situated in the vibrant heart of Gangnam in Seoul—a city renowned for its rich history and unyielding spirit. Here, you will discover a wealth of gastronomic and entertainment options, ensuring that your leisure time is both enriching and enjoyable. Following the collective experiences of the pandemic, the tranquility and diversion offered here are thoroughly deserved.

KSCCM is delighted to offer travel grants to abstract presenters especially from underserved parts of the world, underscoring our commitment to promoting international participation and collaboration. We encourage all eligible participants to seize this unique opportunity to contribute to the enriching discourse of our congress.

With eager anticipation, I await your active engagement in ACCC Seoul 2024. Together, let us elevate the practice of critical care to unprecedented heights and lay the foundations for a future distinguished by excellence and innovation.

Your presence here is deeply appreciated.

With the utmost respect and appreciation,

Gee Young Suh, MD, PhD
President of the Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine



